The robot mimics hand movements by analyzing brain activity. (Jiji) |
New Use for MRI Data
The new technology takes advantage of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is well known for its use in medicine. Subtle changes in blood flow occur in the brain when a person moves. These changes are interpreted through MRI, and this data is used by the robot to reproduce the person's movement. In an experiment using the game rock, paper, scissors, the robot analyzed changes in blood flow to judge which of the game's three hand gestures the person was making and mimicked this gesture seven seconds later. Accuracy varied from person to person, but the robot made the right gesture 85% of the time, and the ATR says that in the future it should be able to mimic more complex movements.
The robot uses MRI technology. (Honda and ATR) |
Potential for Use in Electric Wheelchairs
Aiming to develop a robot whose movements are entirely controlled by human thought, Honda plans to apply this latest innovation to its bipedal robot ASIMO. The company hopes to produce a robot that helps people in their daily lives within five to ten years.
The ability to control a machine simply through the power of thought could have positive implications for severely disabled or elderly people. Such technology would enable the development of electric wheelchairs and other assistive devices that could be controlled through signals from the brain, circumventing the need for manual controls.
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